40 Pr9 plus 20 EDU GOV High DA 70 Authority Backlinks
You can have a million low-quality backlinks, but a single PR9 is far more beneficial. Quit wasting your time on them.
In SEO, authority backlinks are crucial. Google ranks websites with higher authority more easily than those with lower authority.
What we give you is this:
40+ Pr9-5 and above 20+ AUTHORITY backlinks from.EDU.GOV
Comprehensive Excel report
What advantages exist?
100% of the Domain Authorities (DA) between 60 and 100 are protected by the penguin, panda, hummingbird, and Fred.
Work completed by hand; no software or bots utilized
Natural blend of dofollow and nofollow
Utilize only Domains with Authority Uniqueness.
Complete report
Genuine work done by Pacospain Team, like always!
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